U of C political scientist

I thought I would try to see if I understand Mark's instructions on providing a link. This is a U of Chicago Polisci grad student who is highly regarded as a blogger. He blogs at his peril. the last 2 U of C bloggers were denied tenure. My favorite--Daniel W. Drezner-- will now be teaching in the international relations grad school at Tufts.

Fifth week and hydrostatic weighing...

So today I was weighed hydrostatically. Basically what that means is that I weighed myself and my bathing suit outside of the water...to get my naked weight. And then I sat in a chair in an underwater scale and dunked me head underwater. They wait until you blow out all of your air. What this determines is the weight of you fat free mass: organs, muscle and bones. They use this figure to determine a healthy weight range. It was slightly intimidating, but generally helpful and I'm glad I did it.

We also now have an NFL player here...I didn't even know his team, but apparently they almost made it to the superbowl.:)

Sanibel Bird Watch

Chuck and Anne invited us to join them for a bird watching outing last Thursday. We arrived at Ding Darling National Wild Life Refuge at dawn. Chuck and Anne spotted 34 different species and shared lots of interesting information about them. One highlight was observing two eagles in hot pursuit of an Osprey attempting to steal his fish. The Osprey’s evasive maneuvers were successful. Attached are pictures of several birds. Resolution for some shots is less than satisfactory because of distance and telephoto limitations. But hopefully, it will give you some idea of the amazing variety at Ding Darling. It was a really fun experience. Picture identification: 1) Snowy and Great (larger bird) Egret

6 weeks down, 5 to go

Things are going very well for me now that i finished up with the first wave of exams and papers of the term. on top of that yesterday was Undergraduate Break Day so I did not have to go to my one Friday morning class and instead spent the morning catching up on sleep.

The day off is informally known among the students and some with-it professors as "Suicide Prevention Day" since the winter and the school make it an especially tough 11 weeks. This is probably because in the past it has fallen on a day in January that experts have said is the most depressing day.

Spent the day off downtown with Mary my girlfriend getting some new clothes which was something i had been putting off and stopped by in Borders to get a Mocha and ended up entering the raffle there for front row tickets to the musical Wicked, since the drawing was only a half hour away, but we didnt win.

Siesta Bay 2/10/06

February 10, 2006
Siesta Bay Resort, Lee County, Florida

We are coming close to the end of our time in south Florida. We spent one week here, then one week in the Everglades, and finally another week here with Mom & Dad Woods. Our first week here provided relief from the preparations and travel required to make the transition from our former life. We relaxed and enjoyed the company of our hosts. Last week we took our little Ford Focus and tent and headed southeast. We had heard of hurricane damage at the Park, but didn’t realize that Flamingo was closed. It was a struggle getting our backcountry permit, but we got it and spent three days exploring the Hells Bay land and water area of mangrove, mahogany, and weakly brackish lakes and channels. We looked for birds along the Trail, in the Park, and in the Miami area. We saw crocodiles at Flamingo that had survived the storm and the gray salt and marl residue left by it. We returned to the Ft. Myers area tired and bug bitten, but happy having enjoyed the magnificence of the sawgrass glades, hardwood hammocks, and the stately winterbare cypress strands of south Florida that remain in between the traffic clogged roads and uncontrolled development of the coasts and even the more northern interior areas.

How to set up a link

I noticed that some of you may be wondering how to do this. You can set up a link to a web page by entering

"<a href="http://www.electricscotland.com/webclans/dtog/davidso2.html" >Davidson</a>"

where you want the link to appear. This obviously is an example so you need to insert the URL you want to link to in the quoted section of the code and the name that will serve as the link between the carrot ">" that follows the URL and the closing tag "</a>."

For example, click on
Davidson to

Who will win the gold in women's figure skating?

Michelle Kwan
45% (5 votes)
Sasha Cohen
45% (5 votes)
Irina Slutskaya
9% (1 vote)
Total votes: 11

Hello Everybody

This website is fantastic. It is great fun reading and writing blogs. Love to All, Jim

Options Menu


You refer to an options menu at the top of the screen from which one can view an entry as HTML, or from which one can choose whether or not to have an entry displayed on the home page (both would be quite useful). However, I see no sign of this menu... At the top of the screen is, in order, the title of the website, Genealogy/Gallery/Calendar/Old Links, Home>>content>>create content, 'Submit personal blog entry,' and then the windows for title and body. On the side bar is my username, followed by the different sections of the web site (blogs/content/forums/etc.). Where would the options be? I wonder why I can't see it... perhaps it's set as an admin-only feature? Can anyone else find it?

Speaking of speech writing...

Feds Say the Darnedest Things
Bush's quasi-bold pronouncements on oil prompt criticism, backpedaling

In his State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Bush declared that "America is addicted to oil" and that he would "make our dependence on Middle Eastern oil a thing of the past." Within 24 hours, fiasco ensued. Saudi Arabia's ambassador said he would ask Bush, ahem, "what he exactly meant by that." Oil industry lobbyists squealed; libertarians nigh fainted. Energy experts (read: the literate) pointed out that most of the R&D programs mentioned in the speech -- "clean coal," nuclear, wind, solar, etc. -- are designed to generate electricity and wouldn't have any effect on oil consumption. And to cap off the furor with appropriate absurdity, administration officials said Bush's declaration that the U.S. would cut its Middle East oil imports 75 percent by 2025 was not meant to be taken literally. It was meant to dramatize the issue in a way "every American sitting out there listening to the speech understands." So ... lies lead to understanding. We're starting to get the whole WMD thing!

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