cowgirls Mary Margaret and Karen

cowgirls Mary Margaret and Karen

Health Care – USA

OK, I’m a skeptic.  I watch with dismay as the government endeavors to “fix the health care problem.”  This is the same government that has created the problem.  Much as the Congressmen who most contributed to the current financial crisis now are in charge of a fix for that, I anticipate that the same politicians who add more and more to our health care costs will develop the plan to make it cheaper.

Electro-magnetic pulse doomsday scenario

Hey, doomsdayers!  Here's a link to an article from a Canadian magazine--Maclean's-- which talks about a fictional account about the destruction of all computers through electro-magnetic pulse explosion or something--and how it used to be a concern 'cause it would wipe out all our bank accounts.  But now, it might be a blessing because it would wipe out all our debt!  It's by a conservative humorist, but its not bitter or repulsive, like some of his articles.

I thought about it again after reading Chuck's May 15, 2009 post.

June 8, 2009, Cherokee NC

We are both enjoying our remaining weeks in the high mountains and preparing for travels after our departure.  We have let some of you know our plans directly.  Others may be interested in an outline of our travels below.

May 15, 2009 – Qualla, NC

Friday after lunch at Ft. Wilderness Campground.  I (Chuck) laundered and paid bills this morning.  I have other chores and work on my Florida tree identification program for this afternoon.  The forecast is for showers over the weekend, but we will still attempt a walk tomorrow morning in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and we may on Sunday go paddling on the Tuckaseegee River.  Anne will be off work on Wednesday, but we have made no plans for that day yet.  We would like to make a long day-hike, but we will watch for a break in the showery weather.

A Unitarian Perspective - Chuck Strehl

The subject of Unitarianism has been making the rounds as plans are made for this summer’s events.  As a Unitarian, I view this with some humor and also concern.  I don’t mind if people consider Unitarians weird, but I do mind if people misunderstand what Unitarians are.  To prevent this, I seek to discuss the views of the faith and of this person.

Tommy and Fountain at Le Louvre

Tommy and Fountain at Le Louvre

Tommy and Big Ben

Tommy and Big Ben

fox sparrow

fox sparrow

March 26, 2009 – South Mountain, PA

The temperature is 46 degrees F. and it is raining lightly.  Not the same as south Florida.  Still, spring is coming, and the birds and vegetation reflect it.  A pair of fox sparrows appeared in our back yard yesterday.  I spotted one on my way to the compost barrel, and tried to dismiss it as a song sparrow.  Looking more closely I thought the size and profile suggested fox sparrow.  I set down the bucket, retreated to the house, and soon stepped onto the porch with my binoculars.  The bird was not to be seen. 

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