Electro-magnetic pulse doomsday scenario

Hey, doomsdayers!  Here's a link to an article from a Canadian magazine--Maclean's-- which talks about a fictional account about the destruction of all computers through electro-magnetic pulse explosion or something--and how it used to be a concern 'cause it would wipe out all our bank accounts.  But now, it might be a blessing because it would wipe out all our debt!  It's by a conservative humorist, but its not bitter or repulsive, like some of his articles.

I thought about it again after reading Chuck's May 15, 2009 post.

Best place to invest-- buy land in North Carolina where you can grow things!


Wipe Out Debt

Cute.  Although a solar flare destroying all computers is unlikely, imagining the consequences is fascinating.  A means to escape debt.  In a similar vein, today the federal government is reducing its debt by buying back its debt.  What a wonderful idea.  Can one imagine a wonderful new era if the USA pays off all off all its debt?   Sadly, I can.  Already nobody wants to pay me to loan them money.  If the USA keeps it up, pretty soon we can use those federal treasury notes to paper our walls.