Boston Marathon

Dear Family,

Some of you already know that for the past few months, I have been training for the Boston Marathon. Surprised? I was too when I realized I wanted to sign up. I’ve never been a serious athlete but found myself looking for a challenge last fall. I wanted to push myself physically and mentally. And what better way to do that then to join the President’s Marathon Challenge team at Tufts?

My journey to the 26.2 mile course has not been an easy one. Throughout my training I’ve struggled with cold weather, a bad knee and general frustrations. But I know that the hard work will be worth it, because while I’m running towards the finish line on April 16, 2007 (only 2 weeks away!), I’ll be thinking of all the rewards to come from this experience. Not only will I be proud of myself, but I’ll be thankful for the support my friends and family have given me. Even if you can’t come to Boston to watch the race, you can show your support by sponsoring me.

Each of the members of the Marathon Challenge team is raising $1,000 to support nutrition, medical, and fitness research and education at the Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy. If you are able to donate to support my marathon effort, not only will you be giving me further motivation, but you will be helping to fund an incredible institution.

As I go through the next weeks, doing my last runs and enjoying the tapering period, will you lend me your support by helping me raise my $1,000 goal by April 16th, 2007? The marathon is going to be one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, and each gift will keep me motivated and on track.

• Your tax deductible gift can be made online by visiting:
• Click on the Sponsor a Runner tab on the lower right side of the screen
• Select Kara Davidson from the drop down tab for Runners and make your gift!

Suggested Gifts
- $26.20……… 26.2 miles is the distance of the Boston Marathon
- $52.40……… 2x the marathon distance
- $78.60……… 3x
- $104.80……... 4x
- Other

Thank you very much for your support!


Good Luck, Kara!

Best wishes in your final training and in the Marathon. We are very proud of you and will be cheering for you on that day.

Thank you!

Thank you!