Midterms in Chicago

Hi everybody! I think the new setup of the website is fantastic - it's a great way for all of us to keep in touch. I hope to be using it to give you all updates on my life in Chicago and I encourage you to do the same (I want to live vicariously also).

I've already read all of Anne and Chuck's and Kara's blogs and I like being able to hear about you all from afar. The adventures ahead for Aunt Anne and Uncle Chuck sound exciting - have fun!

Right now I'm in the middle of midterms at the U. of C. since crazy midwesterners like to be on the trimester. It's officially the 5th week of the 2nd 10 week (plus a finals week) term of the year. It's a little misleading to be calling it midterm time because in courses such as Organic Chemistry where there are 2 exams during the quarter, as we call it, they are both called midterms, and I took the first this past Thursday and hope to hear about it soon. Thankfully, there is only one final. Similarly, for one of my courses I have 3 papers and just handed in the first earlier today.

Anyways, I know I could go on about school and bore you, but I know I will have plenty of time to do that in future blogs! Also, I am busy here as I do have a Bio midterm Friday and a Study-Abroad application due Friday also (I'll tell you more about them both later.)

Downtown Chicago

I'll try to post some photos I've taken over the past year plus of Chicago and vacations and whatnot. Take care

Dan, I just looked at your

Dan, I just looked at your pictures. They are great!! Good luck with your midterms. We are proud of you!


So, I got registered, instead of preparing for trial I am reading this. you should tell the tale of the obstacles that you confronted in taking that Bio midterm--horror stories that all college students should know about.

Thanks for writing.

Way to go, Dan! It's great to hear from you and Kara, too. Now I feel I will be informed on the nieces and nephews activities. Thanks for sharing with us. Keep up the good work and have fun!

Thanks for blogging

Maybe you can convince your mother to join in. If you have any problems with pictures or the website, just let me know.

I'm in now!!

This is great fun. Dan's computer froze today but Apple care got it going again in downtown chitown. Hopefully it will stay together now.