Our prayers will include Nashville this weekend

For those of you who may not have seen this in the news (I didn't until this morning), Nashville was hit with a serious tornado on Friday. Please include the people affected in your thoughts and prayers this weekend.

Update: We spoke with Mom and Dad Davidson and Steve Davidson this evening. They assured us that everyone in our family is doing fine and was not directly affected. The storm hit near the shopping center a few miles from Mom and Dad's home and then skipped over them and touched down again a few miles down the road. I have the impression it would be as though the twister hit in Latham, then skipped over town and landed again in Burnt Hills. They know people who had their cars hit with flying debris and/or are now without power.

Happy to hear they are all OK

It makes us take a moment to realize how lucky we are for every single day, and to be grateful for our big, loving, and supportive family.