Phoney Blogs

When is a George Clooney blog not a George Clooney blog? See attached NY Times article.

clooney blog.pdf373.88 KB

I do my own blogging

Mark--that was very interesting. I had missed that little contretemps, so I'm glad you brought it to our attention. did you see the little interview of Markos "Kos" Moulitsos in the NYT Magazine sunday? It's up all week on the web site. Joining the Army was the best decision of his life and leaving the Army was the second-best decision of his life!

I saw it

I hadn't really known about that blog before reading the article. Do you read it?

I don't

but it is referred to constantly and is said to be highly influential. Somehow, I don't know how about 2 years ago, the WSJ editorial page began showing up in my e-mail every day--and I don't subscribe to the WSJ. but I began reading the links. I can't break the NYT habit--but I refuse to pay for the editorial writers, so no more David Brooks, Thomas Friedman, Maureen Dowd for me. I also began getting, free, of course--I will NOT pay for Internet content--the Best of The Web in my email, and I never ordered that either. I did find RealClear Politics on my own--which collects interesting pieces and is my primary source for articles. The other major input is my christian websites and blogs, but I have taken a vow not to impose articles from those sources on anybody but my immediate family.

What do you refer to on a regular basis?

I am a surfer

I don't regularly read anything other than the NY Times (and legal mags), but I am contantly surfing for information on whatever cathces my attention or tickles my fancy. That gets me to a lot of places and viewpoints.

End Result

The end result of this phoney blog discussion is good if it establishes etiquette and rules for blogging, thanks for the info.