Adding songs

I applaud Jim for taking the time to add songs and audio files to the site. But, I do not believe that these audio files should be made available to the public (especially for download). Accordingly, I have removed them from listing on the front page and redesignated them for family only (as opposed to the public). If you are logged in, you can still find them under "audio files." As a practical matter, this means that anyone surfiing the web will not see the songs and will not be able to download them. To the extent that any of you wish to upload songs or videos in the future, please designate them as "family" and not "public." You can make this choice below the song information on the page when you are uploading the song or audio file. Thanks

Audio Files

Thanks! I'm so happy! I've been having fun.

Thanks Mark

I hope its good for everyone.

Thanks Jim

You songs are a very welcome addition to the site.