RMR, it must be North Carolina

So today and yesterday were absolutely lovely. Sunny and warm. It was nice but now I wish I were down in the heat of Florida. I'll be sad to leave the luke warm weather in NC for the frigid weather in NY, but happy to be home.

This morning I had a Resting Metabolic Rate Test, or RMR. I had to fast for 12 hours and then go over to the Duke Center for the Living where they did the test. They put me in a semi-dark room and put a hard plastic bubble around my head. I then waited, sat still and rested, but didn't fall asleep, for 30 minutes. The test measures your breathing and somehow they are able to calculate the amount of calories you would burn in a day if you just sat on your butt. My RMR was completely average. This information is helpful for planning out calories and exercise once I get home.

It was nice to speak to my grandparents and everyone who is in Florida right now. I'm sure you are all going to have a blast. I am tired tonight, but am looking forward to the Olympics of the evening. I've had a lot of fun watching them lately.

Steak night tonight! But more importantly (in my opinion), dessert night! hehe.

Good for you!

Hey Kara!
I just found out that you were at the Duke Center. (I just started coming to this site)That's great! It sounds like you are having a great experience there and learning lots.
As someone who has struggled her whole life (unsuccessfully) to manage her weight, coe, and binging behaviors I am happy for you. You have taken a positive step towards a healthier life.

25% and Windy

Have fun you guys in the south and North Carolina. We are thinking of you and our memories of FL with all. We're off for a day in Fulton and will enjoy the ride together. My diet at work has started and I'm off to a good start eating properly I think--salad and chicken soup basically grazing on salads make it nonstressful. And lots of exercise to burn up the calories.