June 6, 2006 Dills Cove Road, Sylva, N.C.

We are settling in for our long stay in this lovely setting in the mountains of western Carolina. Anne started work last week and began seeing patients solo in the clinic today. The atmosphere is different in the institutional setting and with patients of a somewhat different culture. Although there are some apprehensions, she anticipates a very positive experience.

Chuck is still learning how to manage this homestead. He fed the horses yesterday for the first time. The three big dogs are now old hat, but always a bit of a challenge. He has even made friends with one of the cats. The other seems not to like men. He quickly prepared the garden last week and planted on June 1 and 2. The garden is large, about 50x50, so we should have sweet corn at the end of summer. The soil seems good, and most importantly the garden is well fenced.

Happy 29 Years!

Happy 29 Years!

and many, many more! You are both such generous, thoughtful and loving individuals. We LOVE you!

My Brother Is Not His Disability

By Colgan Leaming
Special to Newsweek Magazine
June 1, 2006

Last July, I took a car trip with Kevin, my 15-year-old brother. The music was blasting and the sun was shining through the windows, warming our faces. We were singing loudly to the tune on the radio—Bruce Springsteen, of course. We cruised down the highway enjoying the summer heat and each other’s presence. I looked over and couldn’t help but feel immensely happy when I saw his face with its beautiful smile that cures all pain and those deep blue eyes that see the world in a perfect light. The song ended, and he hit repeat.

"It's not what I can do, but what I will do."

Maybe you've seen him on tv, Kyle Maynard. He's a very inspiring young man. He was born with a condition called congenital amputation, which means that his arms end at the elbows and his legs end above the knees. But Kyle is a successful athlete, scholar, motivational speaker and author. He attended the University of Georgia at Athens (UGA) like me, so that's how I know of him. Check out his website for some inspiration: www.kmaynard.com

Joe and Therese

Joe and Therese

Uncle and Therese

Uncle and Therese

tractor ride

tractor ride

Therese 1 yr. old

Therese 1 yr. old



A beautiful weekend

Hope all of you had a fine weekend. We've enjoyed everyone's recent blogs. We have three growing bluebird babies. They're starting to get the blue feathers.

Unfortunately, I guess, we have a beautiful family of 6 or 7 foxes living under our corn crib. We're fearful for our two outside cats so will try to hassle the foxes.

Had a beautiful boat trip across Lake George last night. Our friends the Newlins bought a camp near Diamond Point.

Some of you may want to attend the Lake George Opera's yearly boat trip on Father's day.

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