Retirement communities

As many of us are getting older and considering retirement, I thought I would pass on this article from the NYT on a new breed of retirement community. From the title I thought it would be about communities of birders; but I was mistaken. there are so many possible communities presented here that I could envision Patty and I joining, it would be hard to narrow it down to just one. Read the article and start planning!!!!

Birds of a Feather"

Co-Housing Movement

Co-housing is a very appealing idea. We looked into one near Gettysburg, PA and know a young man and family that are building a house in one near Harpers Ferry. It does take a big committment of time for meetings and organization. It definitely is something to consider.

The Woods et al Retirement Community

We know it would be nice to be in a warm climate. Hum, How about Florida? Why don't we all retire together, and sit watching the sunset and playing bridge. or up and down the river? Remember our wonderful vacation together in St. Martin when we first got married?

I'm in

Cape Cod, FL and NY--I think Mom and Dad are on the right track.

Count us in, too!

I agree that Mom and Dad have the right idea.