May 9 , 2006 100 Miles

After hiking 4.3 miles this morning we were picked up by Ron, the owner of the Hiawassee Inn, and brought to town for showers, laundry, and a real bed.
We've met many lovely people along the trail of all ages. Since we are hiking south we've met met prospective 'through-hikers'. It is late for them to start since it is a 5-6 month process, and most will probably 'flip', that is fly north to Maine and Mount Kahtadin and start hiking south. Some flip in Harpers Ferry and others at the Delaware Water Gap.
We are doing well. Anne has a few blisters on her feet, but that is expected. Chuck is busy looking at the foliage and birds. We teach interested hikers the common bird songs. Most of the birding is 'by ear' since the birds like to hide in the trees.
We have 60-70 miles left if we do the approach trail in addition to finishing the Applachian Trail at the top of Springer Mountain.
Greetings to all our family and friends. We hope to finish sometime late next week.

Just for fun and curious.

When did you make the contents of your "food drops"? Before you left York or during your travels and what did you put in them?

food drops

I prepared 5 sets of food for 4 days each, one we carried with us and the other four we left at friendly hostels or motels that we knew we would pass along the way. Normally I would dehydrate much of my own meals, but since we were in the mobile home, could not do that. While we were in Lufkin, TX we went to a grocery store for the contents, and I also had ordered freeze dried meat and veges from Campmor. Those I had shipped to us at Chuck's friend's home in Lufkin. Then I repackaged many of the items to reduce extra weight and put the food together while Chuck was driving the motor home to Georgia. Breakfasts are either cold cereal or instant oatmeal plus powdered milk. Lunch is a flour tortilla with peanut butter and gorp, or some meat such as the packages of tuna, salmon, or pepperoni. Suppers I used riceroni, pasta sides, couscous, ramen noodles, and instant mashed potatoes with some of the dried meat and veges to supplement. I wish I'd had some of your jerky Therese!