Cathy’s Fruit Salad

Shop for the best fruit for the season.  Build your salad around the fruit that’s in season at the time you are making your salad.

For example, choose citrus in the winter months (pomegranate is available then and adds beautiful color to the citrus fruits)

Strawberries in the spring,

Peaches, Melons in the summer and

Apples in the fall


When preparing your salad, try to cut the pieces into similar bite size pieces (not too small). 

Mango is almost always available and adds a distinctive flavor and complements most fruit.

Mango dressing poured on top of the salad or offered on the side is a nice addition to the salad:

Mango dressing:

Scraps from preparing mango

Grated peel and juice of 1 lime

Small amount of sugar (1 -2 Tablespoons) You can leave this out if you prefer.

½ - 1 cup orange juice (depends on how many scraps of mango you have


Here’s a fun way to prepare mango for a salad:

How to Cut a Mango



1 The mango has a flat-ish oblong pit in the center of it. Your objective is to cut along the sides of the pit, separating the flesh from the pit. Holding the mango with one hand, stand it on its end, stem side down. Standing up the mango up like this you should be able to imagine the alignment of the flat, oval pit inside of it. With a sharp knife in your other hand, cut from the top of the mango, down one side of the pit. Then repeat with the other side. You should end up with three pieces - two halves, and a middle section that includes the pit.

2 Take a mango half and use a knife to make lengthwise and crosswise cuts in it, but try not to cut through the peel.

3 At this point you may be able to peel the segments right off of the peel with your fingers. Or, you can use a small paring knife to cut away the pieces from the peel.

4 Take the mango piece with the pit, lay it flat on the cutting board. Use a paring knife to cut out the pit and remove the peel.