possible President for U of C?

I see that the embattled president of Harvard has resigned. Chicago is looking for a new president. the Harvard students loved this guy and he was critical of grade inflation. Also he is an economist (something dear to Chicago's heart). Maybe chicago should consider this guy--although he might be too ambitious for other things to consider the job.

from what i understand, U of

i know you were probably suggesting this not too seriously dad, but i still feel inclined to reply
from what i understand, U of C is well under way its process of finding a new President. it began in the fall. they keep it very open in the beginning, accepting nominations from practically anyone, they are eager to hear the student body's opinion including the smaller undergraduate population.

so, by now i'm sure the board who narrows it down to a handful of candidates has done most of their job and the Harvard Pres, Summers, would be too late (unless he put his name in the hat at the beginning and he says he's resigning from harvard because he knows he's coming here)

given his "stormy" 5 year reign, U of C's particular view of Harvard, the university's relative conservatism i doubt they would take him.

oh and i see here (http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/02/22/news/harvard.php) after a quick google search that it says he's going to take a year's sabbatical and return as a professor to Harvard.

also, i wouldn't want him as my president.

you are right

yeah--he wouldn't be a good fit; probably not academic enough for U of C. and besides, he's angling for a return trip to Washington in a Democratic administration. But he woudl have added a little glamor tothe school, at least for a while.

but the faculty said he was

but the faculty said he was mean to them

Dershowitz article in Boston Globe

go to RealClear politics web site and check out the Dershowitz article in the Boston Globe to get the full flavor of how mean he was.