
I just found out that I have been accepted into my school's civilizations abroad program in Pune, India.

I'll be there from late September until early December learning about the region's culture and history, traveling around the country, and learning some Hindi. I'm very very excited and happy!

it'll be a lot of fun and i'll be sure to take lots of photos.

Juggling Video

someone from my school emailed this out. i thought i'd pass it on. very interesting. and have to respect him for doing it to Abbey Road.

Blogs about Crunchy Conservativism

Here are 2 blogs about "crunchy Cons". the first is serious; the second is satirical.



NYT's article on 'Nova

Just to keep things "fair and balanced" here is the puff piece on 'Nova that appeared The Paper of Record today.

""'Nova wins; Ho Hum""