Jeff Picking Up His Diploma at Kohl Center

We had a great time at Jeff's graduation today. There was a reception at Engineering Hall and took the bus to Kohl Cneter for the graduation ceremony. Had a nice dinner with Jeff, Anne and Amanda at a new restaurant in Madison that specializes in chocolate (mostly dessert). We are putting more photos in Jeff's image gallery.

Jeff Picking Up His Diploma at Kohl Center

Thanks guys

Thank you for your support, it means a lot to me.

Congratulations Jeff

You will do well. In the auditorium of Mont Pleasant Middle School in Schenectady it is written "Come to Learn, Go Forth to Serve", Love to you and all.


Nice picture!

Yea!! Jeff

You look great and you should be proud of yourself. We are proud of you. The pictures you and your Dad took are great!! Love the lab ones too. Have fun with your parents and Kara and all. Love always from all of us.