March 1, 2013 - Lee County FL

The maples are in bloom and the cypress trees are leafing out.  Swallow-tailed kites are appearing in the sky.  Spring must be here.  Current weather is splendid here even as winter makes a last blast across the Northeast. 

I dropped off daughter Elley at the airport this afternoon.  She bought a stag-horn fern at a farm and wrapped it up in preparation for freezing temperatures in NYC.  We enjoyed her company this week.  I gave her a first tour of the Everglades region and took her for a canoe ride down the Estero River into Estero Bay to Mound Key.  Today all of us took a ride to Sanibel Island, taking the wildlife drive and stopping along the causeway between Sanibel and the mainland.  Even Mom and Dad got out to sit at a table there, watch dolphins surfacing and listening to a chorus of fish crows.

Mom is doing very well and making her way about using the walker.  Anne took Mom and Dad to the farmers’ market yesterday while Elley and I were paddling.  We are making pool visits a few times each week.  With no company next week we hope to maintain a gentle pattern and catch up on chores. 

Dad reminds us to be cheerful and enjoy desserts.  Mom provides encouragement in all we do.  The weather is near perfect with lows of 55 and highs of 75 and the sky a pale blue dome.  We have much to be thankful for during our last two weeks here.  Anne and I will depart with a changing of the guard to see if spring’s fingers have begun to reach Pennsylvania.  I hope so!