Tom's blog

U of C political scientist

I thought I would try to see if I understand Mark's instructions on providing a link. This is a U of Chicago Polisci grad student who is highly regarded as a blogger. He blogs at his peril. the last 2 U of C bloggers were denied tenure. My favorite--Daniel W. Drezner-- will now be teaching in the international relations grad school at Tufts.

Jeffrey Goldberg article in The New Yorker

I recommend this aricle about Michael Gerson, President Bush's speechwriter, which apears in the 2/13 & 2/20 New Yorker. It is available on line here.

Super bowl commercials

I couldn't remember many of the commercials this year--maybe the Fed Ex commercial about 'package not make it.' I only heard a little bit on ESPN Radio this morning --Mike & Mike mentionednone about a lizard giving birth, that they didn't understand. I didn't see that one.

Anyway-happy to see Pittsburgh win, but Seattle really blew it, in many different ways. Now to work off that pizza (and I did get wings, too--thanks Patty!)

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