I believe in guardian angels
Mark submitted on Mon Aug 27 2007 23:03:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)When Joe was a a baby he never cried. One day I had him propped up in the corner of his playpen. Norbert and Frank had left to take the bus to Taylor Park, a beach on the Grasse River. There were some rough boys among their friends. It occurred to me that they might get into a fight with these boys while they were waiting for the bus. So I sent Joe's guardian angel to the boys waiting for the bus and Joe cried at this moment. When I told this to Father Francis he said "Don't ever send Joe's guardian away or he'll have nothing." So ever since then I have relied on guardian angels to watch over us.
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Therese submitted on Sat Oct 28 2006 14:45:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)How your guardian angel helps you to throw garbage across the kitchen (very large kitchen) and make it into the garbage can without looking. This was always the lead in to tell about Joe's guardian angel. Love this story!