Well, I'm not a Woods or a (full) Davidson, but someone has to represent our distant (Smith) corner of the family ;-). I've returned to the University of Tennessee after working an engineering internship in Augusta, Georgia last semester. I worked at a nuclear power plant; it was a great experience--I learned a ton about the industry. There wasn't much to do in Augusta, however... I describe it at length at my Xanga weblog. Most of my classes now are about obscure chemical engineering stuff, but I'm also taking Technical Editing and Organic Chemistry. Joy. It's actually one of the easiest semesters I've had yet... Again, more here.
Well your mom's a Davidson
Patty submitted on Thu Feb 02 2006 11:58:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)Well your mom's a Davidson so that makes you a Davidson to us! It's fun to get to know you even if it's only online. Gotta run to work but will read more thoroughly later. I had fun with your Davidson grandparents in FL in Jan. Have a great day--doesn't look like one has to worry about you studying hard.