New article about climate change
Kara submitted on Invalid DateThis year, there has definitely been a lot more attention given to the issue of climate change: its realities, predictions, mitigation and potential solutions. There's a lot to say on the subject and I thought it would be interesting to start a discussion on the different facets of it. I would be happy to just post some interesting articles on the subject or we could have an ongoing discussion. To start us off, today I am posting an article I came across while doing research at work. I have a google alert set up for various environmental topics and this popped up. There was a lot of media earlier in the year when the first pieces of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report came out. This article discusses a new report which warns that the warming process is going faster than models predicted and that we need to prepare for certain consequences, particularly in Africa. I don't have any particular response to this article except that it affected me because it comes on the heels of the news that the polar bear population is going to decrease rapidly in the next decades. Anyhoo, here it is:
Carbon footprints
Mark submitted on Tue Sep 18 2007 23:54:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)I have been noticing increasing references to carbon footprints. I don't pretend to know much about this area but was interested to see that the program I am using for this site allows one to set up carbon accounts to track your personal carbon footprint. Then you can decide what you need to do, if anything, to reduce your carbon usage or create an <a href="">offset</a> to your carbon usage. I am willing to implement these carbon accounts on this web site for family use if anyone is interested in this issue. Please let me know.