So, we spent the first day wandering about the small town. Rain chased us from building to building. We learned the history. The Yukon gold rush turned the small settlement into a city that grew and prospered until the great earthquake of 1964. After that the town moved to more stable ground. Then came the pipeline and oil terminal. That added to the economy of fishing and tourism. Then came the spill that revealed deficiencies that have since been addressed. Today the town remains small but strong.
On day 2 we took a boat tour to the Columbia tidewater glacier. Very impressive in the mist even if all the ice in the water kept us far back from the wall of ice.
On day 3 the sky cleared and we could see the Swiss style mountains all around covered with fresh snow. We drove to the pass and walked up to a small mountain glacier.
Then on day 4 we returned to Palmer enjoying spectacular views of the Wrangel St. Elias Mountains and Chugach Mountains along the way. We finally enjoyed great views of Mt. Sanford and Mt. Wrangel. The two huge valley glaciers that were hidden in the clouds presented us with their white face. Even the grand Matanuska Glacier along the highway looked bigger and better in the sunshine.
Today, we sent Alex home. Tomorrow we join our birding tour in Anchorage and on Saturday we fly to Gambell for several days of extreme birding. Good news are reports of several Asian birds on the island yesterday. We hope they stay put until we arrive. We’re packed and will put our motorhome in storage until we return. The rig has been our home since mid-February. It will seem strange being away.
Find Gambell and St. Lawrence Island on the map. The town is far, far away.