August 30 (this day really) - R&R in the Jungle
woodstrehl submitted on Invalid DateWe are no longer spring chickens and needed a slow day today between two days of scuba diving and a couple of weeks of intense birding. As do many visitors to a rain forest we woke up to a shower. But, it was a warm shower and after breakfast we walked about with an umbrella to catch views of fabulous sqwacking Eclectus Parrots. Unusual for birds it is the female of this species who wears the fancy clothing. He is a fabulous lime green with crimson underwings. She wears a green suit as well but has a bright red head and neck and a golden tail. They feed high in the trees, and there are big ones here, so finding them is not easy despite the raucous sound they make. After lunch was an extreme low tide and we walked along the shore to encounter other birds and an unusual walking bug-eyed goby. They walked and hopped about out of the water along the shore. Distracted us from the birds. We had laundry done today. Despite being so far away domestic chores must be accomplished. We could carry very few clothes here and with the heat we must change often. But it all works out. Our trip is now changing as we join a tour. Our guide and the five other tourists will arrive shortly. We will share supper with them. Tomorrow we start chasing birds seriously in this land of jungle, oil palms, and volcanoes.