21 September - Kingfisher Park - Cassuaries and Crocodiles
woodstrehl submitted on Invalid DateYesterday, we took a boat ride on the DAintree River and then took the ferry across so we could tour to Cape Tribulation. All good fun. On the river we were overjoyed to see a Jabaroo and Spotted Whistling Ducks, but most of the dozen passengers were there to see the “salties.” We did not see these at first, but they were on the bank during our return after the sun had come up. Very toothy. No swimming in the DAintree. We were not sure what we would find north of the Daintree and were very happy to find old forest and some excellent paths provided by the government. Along one, a passing ranger told us where to look for a Cassuwary. Oh my god, what a big bird! Usually it is the birds that are afraid when you watch them. This one made me nervous, but, wow, we have seen a wild Cassuwary. The forests were also grand. The mountains come down to the sea and so the flora varied from mangrove to gum (Eucalyptus) as we went about the slopes. Was actually a bit overwhelming and impossible to absorb in one day. Certainly easier for us than for folks packed into buses on “rainforest tours” from Cairns. Today, we mostly stay at our lodge. Birdied at dawn. Now chores, laundry is at work. Late this afternoon we will make a short drive out to take in a last look at the crazy bustards. They may not be as big as the Cassuwary, but they are so dinosaurian. Tomorow we go to Yungaburra.