16 September - Cairns, heading North
woodstrehl submitted on Invalid DateThis is a chore day between our float on the Great Barrrier Reef and a drive north to Mossman. I woke with a full fledged cold and so was lazy. No birding outing at dawn. Laundry is now underway, and we go to shop for groceries soon. The Kingfisher Park Lodge warns that there are few provisions nearby. In a pinch there are restaurants one mile and five miles away. We may sample them but will also pack groceries for our own cooking. I don’t know if I will have access to Internet for the next five days. So, I’ll give a summary of our itinerary. We will drive north tomorrow stopping at Port Douglas and Mossman which are popular destinations for day tours from Cairns. The route is coastal and we should look for birds among mangroves and beaches. A short trail at Port Douglas leads up a hill to a great view of the Coral Sea. Kingfisher Park is at 1,500 meters above sea level and so should be a bit cooler. A guide will help us find birds over two days. On one day we will travel farther north to the end of the paved road at Point Tribulation and take a birding (and crocodile) cruise on the DAintree River. Stop after Kingfisher Park will be Yungaburra on the Atherton Plateau. Should have communications there and so will carry on with reports.