Davidson Woods Family Website

With Joe, post-race (11/5/06)

NYC Marathon post run
NYC Marathon post run
NYC Marathon post run
NYC Marathon post run
NYC Marathon post run
NYC Marathon post run


    • congratulations!

      Tom submitted on Mon Nov 06 2006 17:03:34 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

      Great pictures. What was your time? The NYT had a runner posting audio--I think there were 5 clips--he wanted to beat Oprah--4 hrs 30 mins, but was 5 mins too slow. The TV coverage was awful. Tape delayed--only one hour --way too much time on the women and not enough on the rest of the pack. I liked the old days when it was broadcast live. did you hit the wall at mile 21, like legend has it? And how was the run up the Verrazanao Narrows Bridge? It looked like a perfect day for a run. the coverage doesn't give all those necessary facutal details like when you have to get to the bus, when the bus arrives at the park, when the race acutally starts for normal people, etc. etc. etc. will there be an official lsiting of results at some Web site somewhere? We who live vicariously need to have all these facts so we can construct the appropriate delusional fantasies. Mike--we encourage you to post a very detailed account.


      • Here, here!

        Therese submitted on Tue Nov 07 2006 17:30:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

        I agree. Congratulations, Mike! We love you.
