Davidson Woods Family Website

This picture (1961) is of Robert and Mark with Grandma Anna Woods (Dad's mother) on our own beach on the St. Lawrence, on the island of Wilson Hill. Mom, Joe and Patty are in the background. After reading Dad and Mom's memories of Wilson Hill, Robert and I both agreed that our happiest childhood memories are from summers spent at our camp on Wilson Hill. - Just the drive to camp from Canton was fun: Counting the crooked windows in the old farm houses; Dad driving fast up the hills so we would loose our stomachs at the top; Singing all the way to camp, songs like "If I Had A Hammer", "Tell Laura I Love Here"... Holding our breath and holding our feet up as soon as we got to a cemetery until the end of the cemetery, and Dad teasing us by driving slower and slower so we'd loose our breath; every little run down shack we'd say "there's Daddy's house"; looking for the Great Blue Heron as we drove across the causeway to the island. - The youngest kids running around in diapers, and Rob and me in shorts all summer. The only time we got fully dressed was on Sundays for mass. - All day long, in and out of the water. Every time a ship came, you could feel and hear it coming before you could see it. A boat's coming! Waves! We would race down the long long stretch of lawn, and try to hit the water to catch the waves from the wake of the ships. - Playing cards "Go Fish" with Uncle Francis, and him pretending to be a sad/bad looser and us being so happy to beat him. - Our hidden forts and villages in the Sumac and in the woods, and our own secret hollow tree. - Playing with Pico and Marie, and I think Elizabeth too, the Sunshine/Fresh Air kids next door in the two story boat house. - The friendly Customs guard at Upper Canada Village welcoming us kids off the boat and then giving us four leaf clovers as we left. - Our boat rides to Sand Island? where birds nested in holes in the sand embankment. - Catching and collecting spiders on rainy days from the rafters of camp and screaming as they fell down from the ceiling. - The exciting grass fires to control the field of the vacant next door lots, and one getting out of control. - The bike rides with the older kids in the bigger bikes in the lead, barking at the dogs and getting them to chase us, and us younger kids in the smaller and slower bikes at the end with the barking dogs nipping at our feet. - Dad teaching us all to water ski and taking us for endless rides on our big aluminum boat, and the blue board he had made for us before we could ski. - The Snowy Owl that spent a day on the telephone pole to our camp. - The old underwater road across our bay that was submerged when they created the Seaway. - Sitting on the huge glacial bolder on the side of our yard, and the swinging rope we had on the huge tree with the perfect branch for us all to stand on and jump from. So many happy and fun memories thanks to two loving and caring parents!

More Memories from Wilson Hill
More Memories from Wilson Hill
More Memories from Wilson Hill
More Memories from Wilson Hill
More Memories from Wilson Hill
More Memories from Wilson Hill


    • Beautiful memories, Mark!

      Therese submitted on Tue May 30 2006 02:09:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

      I remember almost every one. -There was also a long tunnel (on the way to the locks?). We would beg Daddy to honk the horn and he would lay his hand on it the entire length. -Someone had a very realistic toy ocean liner that actually had a moving propellor that fascinated me while sitting on a rock wall in the water. -While we were boating and an ocean liner went by, we would wave and people would wave back. -I still remember camp everytime I smell milk weed and marsh type plants. -I remember sleeping in "the nest". I think it was a hole in the wall large enough to fit a double matress. I believe kittens were born on my pillow during one of my naps. Also, I would find old sour milk bottles and drink them. Mom would sing me a song about stars in my eyes (Estre...something). She often laid down beside us.


      • Scenes from Childhood

        robert w submitted on Wed Jun 07 2006 01:58:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

        Wilson Hill was a great place to spend the summer together. I remember those runs down the lawn to the beach in a race for the waves, but also sometimes a run against a swarm of mosquitoes on our backs. We would sometimes see the Northern Lights in the evening sky directly over the St Lawerence River. Playing games together, such as, Simon Says, Hide and Go Seek, Red Rover...


      • "Estralita"

        TEAM submitted on Tue Jun 06 2006 01:58:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

        Mom and I are reading together and she started singing the song! Estralita...... Maybe we can find it on ITunes.


        • Thanks.

          Therese submitted on Tue Jun 06 2006 23:00:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

          I would like it if you could.
