Risotto with Fava Beans and Pecorino Cheese

Ingredients (4 persons):  300 gr of "Arborio" rice - 400 gr of fresh fava beans - 2 big leeks - half-seasoned pecorino cheese - 4 spoons of extra-virgin olive oil - 1/2 onion - 1/2 glass of Vermentino - about 1 liter of vegetal broth - 1 tuft of parsley - 1 twig of thyme - 20 gr of butter - salt and pepper

Process: shell the fava beans, sear them, drain and remove the skin. Clean the leeks, wash them carefully and slice them; clean the onion and chop it. In a saucepan, brown the onion together with the oil, then add the fava beans, the leeks and the cheese (cutted in small cubes). Let it flavour then add the rice. After 1 minute add the Vermentino and let evaporate it, then add the broth little by little, stirring often, and keep cooking for 16 / 18 minutes. At the end of the cooking, season it with salt and pepper, then add the parsley, the grinded thyme, the butter and parmigiano cheese if desired.