March 29, 2016 Seminole Canyon TX

The sun is shining and the wind is shaking our rig.  The sky is gray and the sage, acacias, and many herbs are in bloom providing a blue, green, and yellow mosaic of color across the plateau flat and the canyon walls.  Spring is here.

March 19 - D’Hanis Texas (Near San Antonio)

We retired from Laredo yesterday and moved north to this point at the edge of the Texas Hill Country north of the South Texas Plains.  We knew the weather would be cooler and welcomed the cold front that blasted past us last evening bringing wind, heavy rain, and a bit of medium-sized hail. 

March 12 - Falcon Lake TX

Our rig is parked below a Texas Ebony Tree in the campground of Falcon State Park in southern Texas.  This weekend has brought a crowd of mostly fisher families to enjoy the grand reservoir above the Falcon Dam.  The old town of Falcon is long submerged along the old banks of the Rio Grande River.  The new town of Falcon is a bit east of here.  It has never recovered from its relocation.

March 6, 2015 - Mission Texas

We leave Mission this morning.  Once a sleepy town on the Mexican border, Mission is now part of the popular Lower Rio Grande Valley.  This includes walled and well watered communities that are similar to gated communities in southwest Florida, shack communities of recent immigrants, vast farms where the corn is now in some places a foot tall, grazing lands, salt scrub, and a miles long commercial strip along US Route 83.    Between Brownsville and Mission there  are about five miles between each Walmart.