June 25, 2008 – Qualla, North Carolina

Having remained stationary, there has been less reason to report our progress these months of May and June. That is about to change as we relocate to our little house on South Mountain in Pennsylvania next week, but there we have no Internet access and only poor telephone access, so I provide this update of the pilgrims’ progress.

A great slideshow about where all of our plastic bags end up

http://www.poconorecord.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080506/MULTIMED... You have to use the scroll down button on the bottom right to go through it.

James Grade 6

James Grade 6

Mary Margaret Grade 9

Mary Margaret Grade 9

Tommy Grade 10

Tommy Grade 10

Kristy and Therese

Kristy and Therese

UN warns of growth in climate change refugees

Hannah Strange Climate change is forcing growing numbers of people in the developing world to flee their homes and seek refuge abroad, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees warned today. Announcing findings that the number of refugees worldwide had risen steeply for the second year running, António Guterres said that environmental degradation induced by climate change was forcing greater displacement as resources became increasingly scarce.

Golden Winged Warbler

Golden Winged Warbler

The Golden-winged Warbler is a small, strikingly marked warbler of eastern early successional habitats. Its population increased for over 100 years as forests were cut down. Now, however, it is losing ground, both because of reforestation and displacement by the spreading Blue-winged Warbler.

Laurie at the Colleville-Sur-Mer Memorial, Normandy, France

Laurie at the Colleville-Sur-Mer Memorial, Normandy, France

Omaha Beach, Normandy, France

Omaha Beach, Normandy, France
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